The art of painting in Nepal. is as old as the carvings on stone and metal, and it is variously expressed in the murals, manuscripts, Gathas (wooden covers of manuscripts), and on cloth and paper. As in other forms of Nepalese art, religion has played a dominant role in painting, too. Thangkas, also known as Pauvas, are traditional paintings depicting religious themes and deities. It is prepared on a piece of fine cotton or silk cloth which is coated with a mixture of glue, chalk and indigo and finally varnished with the white of a duck’s egg mixed with water. The Pauva paintings have generally been painted by traditional ethnic castes like the Chitrakars, Shakyas, Vajracharyas and Tibetan Lamas.

Thangka (Pauva) Art
Thangkas, also known as Pauvas, are traditional paintings depicting religious themes and deities.
- January 12, 2018
- 1 minute read
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